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Showing 1341 - 1350 of 3417 for "Real estate" with applied filters


Seyi Bella

Practice areas

Banking, M&A, Project finance

Industry sectors

Oil and gas, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications


Robert Caldwell

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation, Project finance

Industry sectors

Energy, Natural resources, Oil and gas, Real estate


David Cheng

Practice areas

Capital markets : Equity

Industry sectors

Food and beverage, Industrials and manufacturing, Real estate


Iñigo de Luisa

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation, Private equity, Restructuring and insolvency

Industry sectors

Construction and materials, Energy, Financial services, Real estate


Emad El Shalakany

Practice areas

M&A, Project finance

Industry sectors

Natural resources, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications, Tourism


Aggrey Ernest

Practice areas

Capital markets, M&A, Project development, Restructuring and insolvency

Industry sectors

Banking, Energy, Mining, Oil and gas, Real estate


Ali Hatami

Practice areas

M&A, Project development

Industry sectors

Construction and materials, Oil and gas, Real estate


Rahayu Ningsih Hoed

Practice areas

M&A, Project development, Project finance

Industry sectors

Energy, Natural resources, Oil and gas, Real estate


Delara Israfilova

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets, M&A, Project finance

Industry sectors

Oil and gas, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications


Kaloyan Krumov

Practice areas

Banking, Project development, Project finance

Industry sectors

Energy, Industrials and manufacturing, Real estate, Social infrastructure