
IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

RLD is a boutique corporate law firm, founded in 1989 in Madrid, Spain. In 2012 it has opened Spanish-speaking offices in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Focusses / specialisms

The firm specializes in mergers and acquisitions, internationalization of companies and providing corporate advice. The key sectors in their practice are private equity, healthcare, family office, hospitality, real estate and energy.


Key clients

Among its clients are Hermanos Revilla, Nature Talent Group, Escaleras Aguerri and Viamed Salud.


Research period review: 32nd edition (2022/2023)     

During the research period the firm was active in corporate and M&A. It advised mostly acquirers and also targets on acquisitions in industries such as real estate, agriculture, industrials and manufacturing, and especially in healthcare. It also advised

Recent staffing changes include the recruitment of Alberto Jornet, a counsel in corporate and M&A hired from R.Goizueta y asociados, and the retirement of Coloma Gil-Albert, a former head of the corporate and M&A department.


Deal highlights: 32nd edition (2022/2023)

Liechtenstein 26% acquisition of Nature Talent Group

Realia’s €189 million acquisition of 37% stake in Hermanos Revilla

Viamed Salud acquisition of a branch of Hospital Virgen de la Paloma


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)


"Very responsive."