
IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

ONV LAW is a Romanian law firm, founded in 2000, with an office in Bucharest.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm is focused on corporate law. It advises clients on restructurings, shareholder agreements and corporate matters.

Key clients

Among its clients are Raiffeisen Leasing, Avenir Telecom, Salini Impregilo, Alcon Romania, Resalta, Binape Construct, KMP, Investys, Group, Adrem Engineering and Stellar Investments Property Fund.


Client feedback: 31st edition (2020/2021)


"Fast reply, objective advice, seriousness, positive attitude."

"Great at identifying key stakeholders, their positions, the hidden motives and the emotions. Through acknowledging the above, and addressing/listening, we regained full ownership."