Muvingi and Mugadza


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Established in 1982, Muvingi and Mugadza is an internationally allied firm as a member of the Alliot Global Alliance. The firm’s two offices are in the capital city Harare and Mutare 


Focusses / specialisms  

The firm has versatile expertise in the project development practice area, advising clients on renewable and non-renewable energy projects.  


Key clients    

Key clients include Zimbabwe Energy Supply Authority Holdings (ZESA), Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC), Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (ZERA) and KEFALOS CHEESE (PVT). 


Research period review: 32nd edition (2022/2023)  

Over the research period, the firm was active in project development, specifically in the energy sector.   

In projects, the firm focused on domestic development, advising clients on the financing aspect of a renewable energy project. 


Deal highlights: 32nd edition (2022/2023)   

KEFALOS CHEESE (PVT) renewable energy project 


Client Feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)            

Project finance 

" Attentiveness. Diverse Skills available. Efficient. " 


Nobert Phiri 

" Nobert Phiri is a professional lawyer who takes time to resolve our legal issues. He proffers competent and diligent legal advice. We have won all the cases that he has represented us even at short notice. " 

" Very knowledgeable. Good network. "