Mishcon de Reya


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

London headquartered law firm Mishcon de Reya’s Singapore office was established in 2020 and is led by managing partner Tahirah Ara.


Focusses / specialisms 

The firm is recognized for its restructuring and insolvency team, which has experience in advising borrowers and issuers in debt restructuring mandates.


Key clients  

Notable clients include Bumi Resources, Apexindo Pratama, and Bakrie Sumatera Plantations.


Client feedback: 31st edition (2020/2021) 

Restructuring and insolvency

"Their knowledge on restructuring, fast response, guide our company for better understanding."

"The team provides the highest quality of legal service, not only because of their technical ability, pragmatic approach and insights, but particularly due to the level of attention they give to the clients and the matters they handle. They know how to handle difficult situations and provide solutions. They are reliable, efficient, and always ready for the clients."