Marko Prušnik Law


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Marko Prušnik Law is a Slovenian boutique law firm based in Ljubljana and established in 2018 by is a Slovenian law firm based in Ljubljana and established in 1986 by Miro Senica. 


Focusses / specialisms 

The firm is active in financial and corporate deals. The firm’s practice has a significant presence in the leisure, tourism, retail, insurance, banking, media publisher, retail and telecommunications. 


Key clients  

Key clients of the firm include Admiral Group, Apex Group, Heinemann Group, Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung, BKS Bank, Russmedia International, Mercator and Valamar Group. 


Client Feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023) 


“MP Law has a very high level of expertise, which they competently put into practice. They are also very fast and reliable, which makes them a very good partner in numerous projects.” 


Private equity 

“Availability, know-how and timely delivery.”