Latief & Co


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Established in 2019, Latief & Co is a full-service Indonesian law firm which provides a comprehensive range of legal services for domestic and international clients. 


Focusses/ specialisms    

The firm is well known for its energy, infrastructure and projects (EIP), mergers and acquisitions, and banking and finance sectors. 


Key clients  

Notable clients include Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron Standard, Repsol Sakakemang, Inpex Corporation, Jadestone Energy, Mubadala Petroleum, Xiamen Xiangyu Group and Meindo Elang Indah. 


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023) 


"Very good knowledge of the sector and the Indonesian legal system. They are very responsive and provide valuable, quality work." 


Project development 

"Excellent knowledge of applicable Indonesian laws and regulations; (ii) good reputation and contacts with Indonesian government and regulators; (iii) practical, realistic advice; and (iv) good drafting skills, both in Indonesian and English languages."