KK Legal


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

KK Legal was established in Athens in 2000.


Focusses / specialisms 

The firm specialises in mergers and acquisitions in various sectors with a strong focus on the healthcare.


Key clients 

Among its clients are Diaverum, Megaplast, Dimokritos, The Panhellenic Medical Association, Affidea, and Central Clinic of Athens.


Research period review: 31st edition (2020/2021) 

The firm has been active mainly in corporate and M&A. 

In corporate and M&A it has advised purchasers on acquisitions, mergers, and have been particularly active in advising clients on various corporate matters such as compliance, data protection, payments and financing regulatory matters.


Deal highlights: 31st edition (2020/2021) 

Affidea Group refinancing

Diaverum €200,000 acquisition of BookNowMed

 Dimokritos/Agia merger