

IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Haavind is a full-service law firm based in Oslo. It was established in 1893.


Focuses / specialisms

In banking the firm specialises in financing work including acquisition, real estate, projects and bonds, as well as regulatory matters.

In the capital markets space, it is regularly seen on IPOs, private placements and bond issues, most frequently on the side of issuers.

The firm has a strong M&A practice which is especially visible in the technology, energy, oil and real estate sectors. The practice has an in-depth knowledge of the private equity industry and works on a high volume of cross-border transactions.

The firm is among the best in project development in Norway with a strong position in the country’s energy, oil and gas, infrastructure, mining and telecommunications sectors.


Key clients

Key clients include BlackRock Investment Management, Pareto Securities, ING Bank, Equinor Venture, Norsun, Norsk Hydro, Taaleri Energia, TechnipFMC, Ryde Technology and Telenor.


Research period review: 33rd edition (2023/2024) 

In terms of banking and corporate finance, Haavind has been focusing on high-yield bond issues. It has also done some notable project finance work.

In the capital markets sphere, the firm has been more active on the equity side.

In M&A it has been focusing on private equity buyers.  


Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2023/2024)   

Statskog $268 million acquisition of Meraker Brug

Transtema Group $43.6 million acquisition of Tessta Connect and Tessta G Trench

Øyfjellet 400 MW wind power plant


Client Feedback: 33rd edition (2023/2024)


"The Haavind team is highly efficient and brings high-value inputs without spending too much time on less important issues."


Financial services regulatory

"Diligent, polite, solution oriented."



"Strong team in renewable energy transactions."

"Experienced, effective and solution oriented."

"Haavind proactively seeks to find solutions that protect our interests in setting up agreements and preparing for negotiations in our recent acquisition. Their Corporate team has the necessary expertise to tackle all issues that arise. They not only have full control over the legal aspects but also contribute with tactical advisory services as well."

"Industry knowledge, company strategy well understood, pragmatic and proactive."

"Responsive and timely."


Project development

"Precise feedback, excellent availability and good knowledge of their area of expertise."

"Haavind has very good knowledge of the process industry way of working and are able to provide solid advice thereafter. For this project in particular we appreciated that they have been able to give good advice on typical pitfalls in purchase of the technology solutions we are working to obtain."


Kasper Asplin

“Highly competent and efficient way of working.”

“Knowledgeable, solution oriented, diligent”


Bjørn Brevik

"Solution oriented, pragmatic, experienced"

"Always very responsive, understand problems fast and timely response."


Silje Dagsland

"Good knowledge of business, flexible and swift response."

"Silje has high competence on the industry and our way of working. She provides constructive and useful legal advice."


Bård Sandstad

"Experienced and hardworking M&A lawyer with deep knowledge of the renewable energy sector."


Bjørn Olav Torpp

"Experienced, responds quickly, effective, solution oriented."

"Always available, delivers on time and has creative solutions to the challenges we give him. He puts together a team balancing resources to fit our challenges and needs."