H & A Partners (in association with Anderson Mori & Tomotsune)


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

H & A Partners in association with Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, which is one of the biggest law firms in Japan with multi-regional office networks throughout the Asia-Pacific region, was established in 2020. 


Focusses / specialisms

Associated with Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, the firm performs consistently well in global transactions.

The firm’s strength is in M&A such as joint ventures, asset acquisitions, mergers, private acquisitions, real estate acquisitions and private equity. It also performs well in insolvency and project development advisory. 


Key clients 

Notable clients include Hankyu Hanshin Properties, MUFG Bank (Jakarta Branch), Fuji Electric Indonesia, Honda R&D Indonesia, Toyota Astra Motor and Hanwa Indonesia.


Research period review: 33rd edition (2022/2023)    

The firm was active in banking and M&A work during the research period.

The banking team was active for a mix of lenders and borrowers on lending. It was also highly visible in asset finance and trade finance work.

In M&A, the firm was mostly active on cross-border joint venture and strategic deals.

In staffing changes, the firm recruited two associates - Roselyn Prima Winata from SSEK and Kalila Desi Jujane from Surya Mandela & Partners.


Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2022/2023)  

Hankyu Hanshin Properties’ $334 million acquisition of Central Park Mall.

Hanwa Singapore’s mechanism of trade finance.


Client feedback: 33rd edition (2022/2023)  


“H & A Partners provided its services in a professional manner, punctual and commercially doable.”


Steffen Hadi

“Steffen Hadi is an outstanding lawyer with extensive knowledge and experience in the legal industry. His advice is straight to the point and commercially friendly.”