IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

 Fort is a Baltic law firm with offices in Tallin, Vilnius and Riga. The firm has been in business since 2013.


Focuses / specialisms

The firm has key competencies in banking, M&A and project development.

In M&A the firm has distinct focus on real estate sector transactions, as well as work in TMT, financial services and agriculture where the firm has specific knowledge on activity and regulation.

In the projects space the firm has experience in the real estate and energy sector (especially related to renewable energy).


Key clients

Key clients include EfTEN Capital, IDAVANG, Mogo Finance, Newsec, Capital Mill, Convergen Energy, Colliers International Advisors, Ferratum Bank, Hansabuss, Kapitel, LNK Industries, Rotermann Group, Sodra Mežs and Spire Baltic.