IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Eric Silwamba, Jalasi & Linyama Legal Practitioners is a member of Dentons and serves clients in 77 countries. The office is based in Lusaka.


Focuses / specialisms

The firm has a particular focus on banking and finance work and specialises in M&A and corporate.


Key clients

Key clients for the firm include Samsung, Total Energies, CIGNA Insurance, Deloitte, Puma, Energy,  BP, First Quantum Minerals, Stanbic Bank, OPay and Bank of China.


Research period review: 33rd edition (2023/2024)

During the research period, the firm was active in financial and corporate matters.

In banking the firm worked on financings for lenders.

In M&A the firm worked on acquisitions for acquirers and sellers.