DAHL Law Firm


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Dahl is a large Danish law firm with offices located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Herning and Viborg.


Focusses / specialisms

In M&A the firm specialises in advising clients in respect to domestic and international acquisitions and sales. It also possesses specialised expertise in management buy-ins and buy-outs, as well as tasks related to such transactions.

The M&A team consistently represents buyers, sellers, private equity funds, venture capitalists and investors. It is one of the main players in the Danish mid-sector space, advising clients across a range of industries.


Key clients

Key clients include SP Group, JP Group, Samson Group, Airmaster, Sjørring Maskinfabrik, Rauff Group, Normal, Novicell, Etex Nordic and Visma Danmark Holding.


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)


“A very experienced team of M&A specialists ensured that the process always was in good hands and gave security to us as buyers that we were always negotiating from a fair and valid standpoint – and they knew where to put the foot down when needed.”

“Dahl had a really good attitude and understanding of our situation. Selling a privately owned business is a very personal and sometimes difficult task to perform.”