Cariola Díez Pérez-Cotapos


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

CariolaDíez Pérez-Cotapos & Cía, or Cariola, was founded in 1889. The firm is located in Santiago and is best known for its work in the M&A practice area.   

Focusses / specialisms 

Though the firm’s greatest area of expertise is M&A, it also has strong banking, capital markets and project development practices. 

In banking and finance, the firm represents borrowers and lenders in credit facilities, restructurings, acquisition financing, bridge loans and project financing. 

The capital markets team represents mostly issuers, but also underwriters, in debt and equity capital markets transactions including bond issuances and dividends. 

The M&A team sees corporate restructurings, strategic acquisitions, asset acquisitions and joint ventures across a variety of industries.  

In project development the firm represents developers and financial sponsors mostly in energy projects, but also transportation and mining projects.  


Key clients 

Key clients for the firm include Banco Ripley, Enel, Jovio Group, Marsh & McLennan, Empresa de Ferrocarriles del Estado, Google, Banco Santander-Chile, Banco de Credito e Inversiones, Rabobank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and ATCO. 

Research period review: 33rd edition (2022/2023) 

Over the research period, the banking and finance team represented borrowers and lenders in export, project and corporate financing matters. 

In capital markets, the team worked on mostly debt transactions, representing issuers. The team worked on investment grade and callable bond issuances. The team also worked on an equity related capital increase. 

The M&A team acted for largely buyers in private acquisitions, joint ventures and mergers across numerous industries. 

In project development, the team represented sponsors, concessionaires and developers. Most of the projects were in the mining and energy (both renewables and oil & gas) industries.


Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2022/2023) 

Compañía Cervecerías Unidas $600 million bond issuance 

Natixis $320 million financing 

South32 $1.55 billion acquisition of Sierra Gorda Sociedad Contractual Minera 


Client feedback: 33rd edition (2022/2023) 


“Excellent strategic advice having regard to the local legal framework and environment


Project development 

“In-depth understanding of Chile's regulatory environment and hands-on advice on the best path forward.” 


Carlos Pérez-Cotapos 

He has in-depth understanding of our legal needs, fast response and an in-depth in-house network to draw on for support to the extent needed.


José Manuel Donoso  

Great technical competence across a broad range of subject matter. 


Andrea Saffie 

An excellent communicator, she seeks effective outcomes without getting involved in unnecessary conflict.