Bun & Associates


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Founded in 2007, Bun & Associates is the largest independent full-service law firm in Cambodia and is based in Phnom Penh.


Focusses / specialisms
The firm is among the top-tier firms for financial and corporate and project development work and has experience in a variety of sectors, including banking and financial services, mining, technology and telecommunications, oil and gas, and fintech.

The firm regularly works with Cambodian regional and multinational corporates, governments and government agencies and supranational organisations. 


Key clients

Key clients of the firm include CIMB Bank, Kasikornbank, Bangkok Bank, Thai Exim, Hong Leong Bank (Cambodia), Prudential, AIA (Cambodia) Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Chip Mong Group, Nippon Express and Swire Beverages.


Research period review: 33rd edition (2022/2023)  

The firm has been active in banking, capital markets, M&A and project development work during the recent research cycle. Deals were mainly cross-border transactions.

The banking team advised on several acquisition financings, all taking on roles for lenders.

The firm was also highly visible in the M&A space, with several cross-border private acquisitions related to the food and beverage industry. In a landmark mandate, the firm advised Swire Beverages on its acquisition of Cambodia Beverage Company, which was one of the largest ever acquisitions in Cambodia.

In project development, the firm acted for contractors and acquirers. The deals were in the construction and materials, and logistics sectors.

In staffing changes, the firm recruited Mohapatra Sibasish from VDB Loi Laos as senior associate.


Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2022/2023)  

Swire Beverages’ acquisition of Cambodia Beverage Company.


Client feedback: 33rd edition (2022/2023)

Bank lending

“Responsive, willingness to go beyond the scope of work.”


Chanda Sun

“Responsiveness, willingness to achieve deadlines, communication skills, providing creative solutions.”