Asia Legal


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Founded in 2017, Asia Legal is a business law firm in Vietnam which has a head office in Hanoi and two offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Quang Ninh province.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm specialises in M&A, inward investment, mining and energy, employment and labour, property and construction, international trade, intellectual property, dispute resolution, outward investment and capital markets.

Its clients come from a broad range of sectors and industries, including major financial institutions, investment funds, multinational corporations, and local private and public companies.


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)

Private equity

"1. They have strong expertise and in-depth knowledge of Vietnam’s political culture and legal developments. Also, they can combine deep local knowledge with international standards of expertise to provide us with basic principles and advance practices in the capital markets, and consult us how to apply such principles and practices in managing our private fund. 2. They served us as trusted advisers and are dedicated to being enthusiastic partners, not merely vendors. That means tailoring to our needs, understanding our requirements, and looking for value-added opportunities to maximise our benefits, rights and interest when negotiating with FPT. 3. They offered us real value and flexibility by utilising creative billing structures and alternative fee arrangements that satisfied our needs. 4. Their employees are experienced legal practitioners who can maintain a high quality of work for a long-term period and hold themselves to an expectation of excellence. Every memo, every opinion, every term and condition they reviewed and every legal advice they gave us was above expectations."


"Wide range and in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations of Vietnam. Flexible in offering and adjusting the structure of our private fund, as well as other extraordinary terms and conditions we wanted to add to the agreement with FPT. Kind and professional and trustful legal team."