Paniagua & Tovar Abogados


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Paniagua & Tovar Abogados is boutique law firm based in Bogotá with more than 45 years of experience in the Colombian legal market. 


Focusses / specialisms 

The firm has experience in mergers and acquisitions both local and international business structuring, corporate and tax efficient foreign investments, corporate reorganisations and divestitures. 


Key clients 

The firm’s key clients include Global Tech Colombia, Flapper Tecnología, Healthy Catering Services, Ecm2, Porfenc Argentina, Weg Colombia, Caria Group, and Medicadiz. 


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023) 


It is simple to explain the contribution of Paniagua & Tovar in the transaction. If they weren't involved in the transaction, the deal would have failed. Their insight was very important in order to find a way to conduct the sale of our business.” 


Private equity 

“Dynamism, Top skilled lawyers, close relationships.”