Krehić & Partners


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Established in 2019, Krehić & Partners in cooperation with Deloitte Legal was born out of a collaboration between Krehic Law Firm and the Croatian arm Deloitte Legal. Its offices are based in Zagreb, where it employs its team of lawyers as well as tax advisers and consultants. It is part of the global Deloitte network.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm is primarily an M&A boutique and focuses on cross border transactions. The firm is also skilled in financial regulations, particularly around security instruments and Non-Performing Loans (NPLs).


Key clients

The firm’s clientele includes banks such as ABAKA Slovenia and Austrian Anadi Bank. It worked with important industrial figures, like Gazechim, Croatian Telekom and Oceanconnect Marine Group.


Client feedback: 31st edition (2020/2021)


"Reliable, fast, broad experience, valuable advice, very dedicated."