HNS Legal


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Hayat Law is a Beirut based business law firm established in 2012. The firm has additional offices in Baghdad, Iraq.


Focuses/ specialisms

The firm is active in the financial and corporate area with restructuring work being a key focus area for the team recently.

The firm offers legal services to clients in Lebanon and across the Middle East and North Africa, advising local and regional businesses, as well as wealthy individuals and families. The firm maintains strong links to Lebanon’s closely held family businesses and boasts considerable expertise in the country’s TMT sector.


Key clients

The firm’s key clients list includes such names as Al Ghurair Group, Al Kabida, Bitar Group, CIBCO, Iffco, LIBD, Omatra Group, Sama, S-Com, TabbCo and Tri-Sat Communication Company.


Client feedback: 31st edition (2020/2021)


"They are professional, responsive and accurate in terms of advice. Managing partner is an excellent negotiator, and Farah Wahab an associate with a wide range of knowledge and expertise."