IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Femil Čurt Law Office is a law firm based in Sarajevo. The firm has established cooperation with the global law firm DLA Piper and cooperates with several DLA Piper offices.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm has experience in banking and finance, corporate, mergers and acquisitions, labour law, litigation and real estate. The sectors of clients include construction, energy, FMCG, furniture and retail.


Key clients

Key clients include Addiko Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, UniCredit Bank, RSM Audit, Strabag, VisionFund International and World Vision International.


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)


"They are very fast, expeditious and reliable."



"Extremely professional approach to every business subject. The likelihood of solving the most complex cases in the shortest possible time. "