Aninat Abogados


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Aninat Abogados was born in 2020 from the cessation of Aninat Schwencke. The firm is located in Santiago and is active in the corporate practice areas. Aninat is made up of five partners, with three of them specializing in corporate law.


Focusses / specialisms 

In the corporate practice, the firm works on a lot of M&A transactions, acting on the buy and sell side in strategic acquisitions. It also works on financing related transactions such as capital raises and investments. In the more general corporate practice, the team advises companies on incorporations. 


Key clients 

Key clients for the firm include Pampa Camarones, TodoVa, Citröen Chile, Cuesta Blanca, Chile Ventures Administradora de Fondos de Inversión Privado and Jooycar. 


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)  


Financial restructuring 

Aninat Abogados has a team with great legal, regulatory, tax and financial knowledge, which makes it an ideal team for the work we are carrying out in our company.”