Albagli Zaliasnik


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Full service firm Albagli Zaliasnik is a notable firm based in Santiago. The corporate practice is best known for its work in M&A. 


Focusses / specialisms 

Though the firm is more widely known for its M&A work, it also has experience in banking and finance and project development. In M&A, the team acts for sellers and buyers in strategic asset acquisitions, full company acquisitions, joint ventures and mergers. It also works on general corporate matters including reorganizations and strategic investments. They work with numerous clients based in jurisdictions outside of Chile. 


In project development, the team has expertise in energy and natural resources. It represents developers in developments and acquisitions of projects.


Key clients 

Key clients for the firm include Alpha-Bio Tec, ESINCO, Cadem, Omnix and Prisma Water.