The latest in a series of reorganisations in the Baltic legal market has resulted in the emergence of another new pan-Baltic operation.

The new alliance is called Levin and brings together three firms that have all previously been allied to other Baltic networks. The changes effectively mark the end of the Derling network.

In Estonia, this includes Glikman Alvin Levin, which itself had recently undergone a rebranding from Glikman Alvin & Partners to simply Glikman Alvin.

In Latvia, Kronbergs Čukste Levin is the new name for Kronbergs & Čukste Derling, formerly part of the Derling network. Prior to that, the firm had been a part of the Baltic Legal Solutions alliance with Estonia’s Glikman Alvin and Lithuania’s Baltic Legal Solutions. That alliance had split following the Lithuanian firm’s merger with Tark Grunte Sutkiene, and the Estonian firm’s mass partner departure to form LinkLaw.

The Lithuanian branch of the firm has changed its name from Dominas Derling to Dominas Levin, in recognition of its new affiliation. The firm had also previously operated independently as Dominas & Partners, and as a part of the Glimstedt network under the name, Bernotas & Dominas Glimstedt.

This move is the latest shift in the Baltics as part of an ongoing reorganisation over the past five years that has impacted virtually every ranked firm in the region, either through a significant change in personnel or through a rebranding exercise.